Conservation strategies

Conservation strategies guide the protection, conservation and management of the ACT's environment.

Australia's Native Vegetation Framework was released by the Council of Australian Governments in 2012 and guides native vegetation management across the Australian landscape. The framework recognises that native vegetation is crucial for the health of Australia’s environment, that it supports our economy and productivity as well as our biodiversity and that it is embedded within Australia’s cultural identity.

The Nature Conservation Strategy guides planning of the Territory's open spaces, rural areas, urban areas, riverine corridors, and nature reserves, and investment of funding and resources in nature conservation.

The ACT Aquatic and Riparian Conservation Strategy guides management and restoration of our aquatic environments, which supply water for our consumption, provide habitat for plants and animals, and are sought out as aesthetically beautiful places and for fishing.

The ACT Native Grassland Conservation Strategy and associated action plans guide the protection, management and restoration of native grasslands and its component species.

The ACT Native Woodlands Conservation Strategy and associated action plans guide the protection, restoration and management of our precious lowland and subalpine woodlands and threatened species.

The ACT Pest Animal Management Strategy helps the ACT reduce the social, environmental and economic damage caused by pest animals. This is necessary to protect biodiversity, primary production and public amenity across the ACT.

The Invasive Plants Plan aims to mitigate the impact of invasive plants on biodiversity and socio-economic activity, and restore areas impacted by invasive plants.