Pest Animal Management Strategy

The Pest Animal Management Strategy 2012-22 (3.2 MB) was released by the Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development on 26 July 2012.

The strategy sets the framework and approach for:

  • preventing new pest animals from entering the ACT
  • implementing effective measures to reduce pest animal damage
  • managing native animals for damage reduction and conservation
  • building public awareness and understanding of pest animal issues
  • improving land managers' capacity to undertake control programs.

Pest Animal Management Strategy Factsheet (2.5 MB)

Please note: The RSPCA is no longer part of the Canberra Indian Myna Action Group Incorporated network as noted in the strategy.

Best Practice Management Guide for Rabbits in the ACT

The ACT Government has developed a Best Practice Management Guide for Rabbits to support control efforts in accordance with the national Model Code of Practice for the Humane Control of Rabbits and associated Standard Operating Procedures. The guide provides information on the damage that rabbits cause, rabbit control methods and associated risks, key principles of best practice management and examples of where they have been successfully applied in ACT Government rabbit control programs.

Submissions to Pest Animal Management Strategy

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