Park closures during rabbit control operations

Park closures during rabbit control operations

For visitor safety, sections of Canberra Nature Park will be closed to the public from May to July during rabbit control operations.

Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary, Goorooyaroo Nature Reserve, Mt Ainslie, Mt Majura, Mt Pleasant, and Percival Hill will be closed from 8:00pm to 3:00am on Tuesdays and Thursdays across the closure periods.

Through selective grazing, rabbits impact regeneration and recruitment of native plants, cause soil erosion, and facilitate the spread of weeds. The objective of rabbit control is to keep the population below a density where they cause significant environmental impacts.

Rabbit populations have escalated to above acceptable densities in several Nature Reserves across Canberra Nature Park, and reducing those populations is vital to protecting the ACT’s environmental values, primary production, and urban landscapes.

This year, the ACT Parks and Conservation Service will be using thermal assisted shooting to complement other control methods in use in Canberra Nature Park.

We recognise that many people make use of Canberra Nature Park reserves for exercise and recreation, but hope the community will understand that managing our grazing species is vital for the wellbeing of the environment, and the many plants and animals that call our reserves home.

For more information, visit the Rabbit Control webpage.

Reserves closedAreaClosure periodDays and timesTimes
Mt Ainslie Entire reserve 30 May to 28 July Tuesday and Thursday 8pm to 3am
Mt Majura Entire reserve 30 May to 28 July Tuesday and Thursday 8pm to 3am
Mt Pleasant Entire reserve 30 May to 28 July Tuesday and Thursday 8pm to 3am
Percival Hill Entire reserve 30 May to 28 July Tuesday and Thursday 8pm to 3am
Mulligans Flat and Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve Entire reserve 9 May to 30 June Tuesday and Thursday 8pm to 3am