PCS Fire - Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate - Environment

Parks and Conservation staff and vehicle on dirt fire trail Many Parks and Conservation Service (PCS) staff are required to undertake firefighting roles as part of their employment and are trained to national standards. All PCS firefighters must maintain their skills and competencies through ongoing training, prescribed burn activities, and annual assessments and workshops.

PCS staff crew six heavy tankers, three medium tankers, and seven light units between the ACT and Googong Foreshores. PCS fire vehicles are easily identified by the prefix "Parks" clearly displayed on each vehicle.

PCS also provides the ACT Emergency Services Agency with specialist firefighting staff including senior incident management personnel, incident controllers, remote area fire teams, aerial specialists, GIS techs, fire tower operators, plant managers, advanced chainsaw operators, bushfire behaviour analysts and burnt area recovery specialists.

Crews are on standby and available for response throughout the bushfire season with the fire danger rating determining the number of staff and resources available for immediate response on any given day.