Fire Management Policies and Plans - Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate - Environment

Fire Management Policies and Plans

Bushfire Operations Plan

PCS implements an extensive ongoing bushfire fuel management program throughout the year in accordance with the annual Bushfire Operations Plan (BOP). The BOP sets out the work and activities that PCS aims to achieve each financial year to help manage bushfire risk. The BOP is a requirement of the Strategic Bushfire Management Plan (SBMP) It is divided into nine sections and covers all areas of fire protection across PCS. These sections are:


Bushfire Operations Plan maps

See the Bushfire Operation Plan maps on ACTMAPI.

Strategic Bushfire Management Plan

The SBMP for the ACT establishes the basis and framework for the efficient, effective and comprehensive management of fire and fire-related activities for protecting human life, property, assets and the environment.

Regional Fire Management Plan

Regional Fire Management Plans (RFMP) have been developed which detail the actions required to be implemented over ten years between 2019 and 2028, to meet the requirements of the SBMP.